

Girl Scout cookie sales fund both GSUSA through licensing fees, and local councils, which receive the largest percentage of the profits.

Each Girl Scout member sells cookies to raise money for her troop. In reality, the local troop earns only 10-17% of the cost of the cookies, per box. Each box costs a customer anywhere from $3.50 to $5.00 depending on location in the continental US. All the remaining money belongs to the local Girl Scout Council. The council in turn buys prizes to give to the girls depending on the amount of cookies sold and pays for the cost of producing and marketing the cookies (there are two cookie producers in the continental US area). Any profit left over after these costs, which can range from 50-65% of the cost of each box, is left to the council to use at their discretion. Councils can use this money to promote questionable pro-abortion groups and women. Without these cookie sales, these councils would cease to exist. In addition, GSUSA receives a royalty check amounting to millions of dollars from the cookie producers depending on how many cookies are sold annually. The Girl Scout organization depends on cookie sales in order to promote their agenda. Please see our Cookies page for more detailed information.